Dj/producer Tyson D'costa was born in Goa-India
Grew up listening to the club, hip-hop, and retro music, and at the age of 14, I realized that I could use it to express my own personality.
started Djing since 2004
To develop my own style as a DJ based on your personality.
Practical experience of using music production software, mixers, and other DJ equipment.
Posting mixes to online videos and music streaming sites to get noticed.
Confident and outgoing personality.
A good sense of timing and coordination.
Calmness under pressure.
The ability to several tasks at the same time.
Play and mix records in clubs or bars to create an atmosphere and keep people dancing.
Creating my own sounds by manipulating beats, using samples, adding extra music and sound effects.
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/tysondcosta/
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/tyson.dcosta.37
soundcloud:- https://soundcloud.com/tyson-dcosta
youtube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEYOAV0QXshEFLsqzF-sD-Q
Twitter:- https://mobile.twitter.com/DcostaTyson?p=s
kuvo:- https://kuvo.com/user/1216792
mixcloud:- https://www.mixcloud.com/tysondcosta37/